¿Por quĂ©?

This time the teacher is escaping her teaching duties and playing the student with a heart for learning, laughter, and love!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hot, Hot, Hot


Get as tan as possible in two days. Winter is coming!

Pay a sketchy one-time, ten-year Argentinian immigration fee of $160: they won't let you on the plane without it...apparently.

Find out if you will have a place to go upon arrival in Argentina Friday a.m.

Find out where the nearest hostel to Universidad de Belgrano is if the above result is negative.

In the meantime, don't melt in the Arizona sun. Easier said than done.


Say goodbyes see you laters.

Create blog.

Visit pregnant sister and notice how she takes deep breaths and rests after every three sentences.

Freak out a little.

Get excited.

Wonder how this is all going to turn out.

Invite friends and family to wonder alongside via Teach, Pray, Love: Pt. 2.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, I'm excited for this, Love. Can't wait to read all about your travels. One day, I'll travel with you. :)
